Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Pain Game

A little over two years ago, I had to stop biking. My hypermobile joints were starting to bother me, the numbness and tingling in my left thigh was spreading, and I was so fatigued from work that I had to take a mandatory nap every day. I’m still trying to figure out the thread that ties everything together, and I’ve seen too my doctors and specialists in the past few years to count, even at the Mayo Clinic. What helps the most with my pain is meditation and a positive additude about my life and my future, as cheesy as that may sound. Having the support of family and friends has been critical, as well as therapy for pain management. Finding hobbies that allow me to decompress has been vital as well, and writing and rhyming does the job to put me in my happy place. 

There's something I need to explain
I have a form of chronic pain
Mainly in afternoons
I have finite spoons
Requiring that I rest my brain

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Ways in which the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve can be compressed, known as Meralgia Paresthetica. 

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